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Venting About Your Anger Could Instead Make the Emotion Worse

Does venting help? Research shows it may actually worsen your anger. Experts share coping strategies for dealing with anger and road rage.

Losing A Pet Is Just As Hard As A Loved One a Here Is How People Cope

Recent research indicates there are five different themes people can experience while grieving the loss of a pet.

A Rare Disorder Causes People to See Demon-Like Faces

A condition called prosopometamorphopsia creates distorted faces for those that have it. Learn more about this rare disorder.

New Studies Suggest Millions With Mild Cognitive Impairment Go Undiagnosed, Often Until Itas Too Late

Mild cognitive impairment can be an early sign of Alzheimeras disease or other dementias

Practicing Yoga Can Help Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

Yoga may be able to give your body and brain the boost it needs. Learn how it can be a key tool in preventing Alzheimer's and cognitive decline.

The Link Between Toxic Stress And Poor Health. Here's How To Get Help

Toxic stress increases the risks for obesity, diabetes, depression and other illnesses

People Can Overestimate Their Abilities, Something Known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect

According to researchers, we all experience the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

How Words Struggle For Existence in Our Brains

Why are some words forgotten over time? Researchers investigate how words secure their place in the vocabulary of the future.

The Stages of Grief Are Unique to Everyone, but They Can Help us Cope

The classic five stages of grief may not be the same for everyone a and may not even occur in five stages a but understanding them can help to cope with loss.

Instead of Making us Nervous, Audiences Can Motivate us to do Better

A concept called social facilitation says the pressure of an audience or our coworkers watching us can motivate us to perform better or work harder.

Mental Fatigue Has Psychological Triggers a Challenging Goals Can Help

Feeling wiped out by mental work has different causes than what drives physical fatigue.

Humans Could be Prone to Laziness, But We'll Put in Effort for a High Reward

What makes us lazy? Find out how laziness could be a whole new take on "working smarter not harder."

To Stay Cognitively Sharp When Aging, Pay Attention to These 3 Health Tips

How can we reduce our risk of cognitive decline? The best plan is simpler and more flexible than you may think.

That Urge to Squeeze Cute Things Has a Name, It's Called Cute Aggression

Wanting to squeeze or bite an animal's ears or feet is called cute aggression and scientists are trying to understand why we do it.

How Love Languages Can Impact Your Relationships

"Could those feelings you label as love be something else?"

Travel Is Fun, but Travel Addiction Could be a Form of Escapism

Learn the scientific reasons why you may not be able to stop taking vacations.

Does a Cluttered Work Environment Impact Your Productivity?

Everyone's relationship with clutter looks different, and so does their ability to thrive among the chaos of a messy desk.

Why Do Some People Go Crazy When Their Teams Lose in Sports?

Why are we so connected to sports? Learn more about the psychology behind extreme sports fans and their reactions.

Toxic Positivity Can Leave Negative Emotions Unaddressed and Impact Your Wellbeing

What is toxic positivity? Learn why not addressing negative emotions can cause psychological damage.

Internal Body Sensations Could Reduce Some Of The Most Lethal Mental Health Conditions

An increased disconnect from your body can make it easier to harm yourself, whether by disordered eating or suicide.

9 Different Styles of Parenting, According to Experts

And although parents do not need to adopt a specific style verbatim, to figure out how you plan to raise your children, it's helpful to understand their nuances. We've accounted for the hundreds of different types of parenting styles and culled them down to the nine most popular. From authoritative parenting to gentle parenting to helicopter parenting, you're bound to find the right parenting style for your family. Whether you're looking to try something classic or opt for a buzzy alternative, read on so you can better understand the different parenting styles - and which one best suits your personality and goals.